Soldier of Christ
Priscilla de la Cruz
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Soldier of Christ – Priscilla de la Cruz
Author: Priscilla de la Cruz / Martín Zavala
Cost: $20.00
318 pages.
Publisher: Misión 2000 – English
Soldier of Christ – Priscilla de la Cruz.
I’ve been in many battles, but I didn’t face them well. For many years, I was on the enemy’s side without realizing that each ‘victory’ left me more wounded. It was only after understanding that playing for the enemy pays off only temporarily and that what was at stake was my eternal life.
Upon discovering the truth, I did what I should have done from the beginning. I rejected all seduction, deception, and the trickery with which the evil one captivates confused souls.
For this reason, I have decided to share my testimony to make an act of reparation for all the harm I caused when I played for the enemy. When I sinned, I didn’t realize that there is no private sin. Even if done in secret, there are always consequences that affect others. Although it may appear to be the ‘perfect crime,’ someone always sees it, and its laws carry consequences. We are a mystical body, and I had been harming it (1 Corinthians 12:13).
How I Became a Soldier of Christ, from Atheism and New Age
One of the biggest challenges facing the Catholic Church currently is the growth of doctrines and beliefs of the so-called ‘New Age’ within our communities. The worst part of all this is that people, including some of our leaders, haven’t even realized that they are no longer thinking like Catholics but with beliefs contrary to our Faith. They speak, as if it were normal, about energy, vibes, decreeing, chakras, ouija, Feng Shui, horoscopes, Pachamama, Tarot, reincarnation, shamans, aura, and much more.
It is for this reason that this testimonial book by Priscilla de la Cruz is something that every Catholic urgently needs so that they can strengthen their faith and identity in the true faith and in Jesus Christ, the source of living water. Her 30 years of belonging to this movement, and now being a Catholic missionary, will serve to achieve this.”
Soldier of Christ – Priscilla de la Cruz
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