The Greatest Miracle dvd

The Greatest Miracle dvd


The Greatest Miracle dvd


The Greatest Miracle dvd – Dvd

Price: $16.00 Availability: In existence

Product description:
Editorial: – Languaje: Spanish/English ISBN-13:


The Greatest Miracle dvd


” The Greatest Miracle ” tells a miraculous story against the backdrop of mysterious spirits and a religious service many of us have come to take for granted.

The story revolves around three people who find themselves at the same Catholic Mass because of crises they are struggling to endure. Going to Mass is not new to any of them – but they need assistance to embrace its true meaning. That guidance comes from their guardian angels, who help them to understand the struggle between good and evil, and the miraculous triumph of faith that manifests itself in every celebration of the Eucharist.

Through their angels, they come to understand what Pope Benedict XVI described in Light of the World, his book-length interview with German journalist Peter Seewald. “Something quite special is going on here,” the Holy Father said of the Eucharist. “He is here, the One before whom we fall on our knees!”

In fact, after watching it, “you’ll never experience the Mass the same way again.”

The Greatest Miracle dvd



The Greatest Miracle dvd

Product ID: de002



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